Friday, January 23, 2009

Important Message To Fans Of Bob Wilkins!!

Tomorrow's memorial for BOB WILKINS is INVITATION ONLY for Bob's Family, Close Friends and Coworkers. There is only enough room for 350 people at the church and Bob's Family is afraid that Thousands of Legions of Bob's Fans will show up only to be turned away! There will be a few Public Memorials for Fans scheduled for March. Please Remember The Memorial Is For Bob's Family, Close Friends And Coworkers ONLY! Thank You Very Much!! :)

1 comment:

CallMeDave said...

I read his obit weeks ago, and put the memorial date on my calendar, as the church is just around the corner from my home.

Went today, not knowing that it was invite only (oops!). Got there a little late, sat way in the back on the stairs. Church was full (350+); all seemed to be close to Bob and his wife and son and daughter. KTVU TV2 sent a camerawoman who took a few minutes of footage.

They showed some photos of his youth, some footage of his shows and interviews (Tiny Tim, George Lucas, Ronald Regan, William Shatner and more), and some photos of his happy extended family. Beautiful words by his daughter and son. Everyone was quite moved.

From the program:

"Guests who wish to contribute a gift of remembrance are invited to send their gift to the Alzheimer's Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada, 1060 La Avenida St., Mountain View, CA 94043 or to a charity of their chose furthering the education of children."