Wednesday, August 20, 2008

200TH POST and SECOND ANNIVERSARY! Big Changes Are Here!

As you can tell, the new name of my blog is now BLOG WILKINS. I decided that while I loved the name BOB WILKINS: THE MAN BEHIND THE CIGAR, to most people, They probably thought it was more a BIOGRAPHY type of blog, which it wasn't. In addition to the name change, I added a subtitle/description below the BLOG WILKINS name as well as put a picture of Bob with his stogie in the background. Also I want to let readers know that there is also more to this blog than BOB WILKINS. While Bob will be the central theme of this blog, Like before, I will add similar topics like the local GRINDHOUSES and DRIVE-IN'S that populate the NORTHERN CENTRAL VALLEY and the BAY AREA, I will include other topics like LOCAL TV STATIONS that were more personality based than today, like my history of KMUV-TV CHANNEL 31, KLOC-TV CHANNEL 19 as well as the upcoming anniversary of KTXL-TV 40. I also added a LINK PAGE to the right of the blog to my favorite websites and blogs. It will continue to grow. When I first started this blog 2 years ago on this exact day, I envisioned that I would be blogging every day, which is impossible, with work and private life consuming most of it. Another thing, I have been trying, is breaking my posts into paragraphs to make it easier to read. But despite doing it, when I publish this blog, the paragraphs disappear. Even with 2 years blogging, I'm learning new stuff here at BLOGSPOT everyday. Hope everyone likes the new look of my blog, now christianed with a new name: BLOG WILKINS Thanks To All My Loyal Readers!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Love the name. Looking forward to more trips down memory lane.