Friday, October 30, 2009

Top 10 Halloween Movies To Watch!

Earlier today on FOX 40 LIVE, Movie Critic, Mike Mechanick gave his Top 10 Horror movies to watch on Halloween. While he lists several good movies, I just don't agree with his list. Only one movie is on both lists. First is Mike Mechanick's Top 10 Halloween Movies:








3-EVIL DEAD 2-1987



As you can see, every movie on his list are great movies! Some are humorous, some are down right scary. Problem is, the oldest movie on the list is from 1968. (Night Of The Living Dead) Only 41 years old, nothing older. There are so many classics from decades ago that outshine the new crap. And they are in Black & White! The following is my Top 10 List. There are newer movies but no newer than 1985. Some are scary, there are a few that are gory but they are all classics!:

Floyd Perry's Top 10 Halloween Movies!

10-CAT PEOPLE-1942 (The Val Lewton classic is ten times better than the 1982 remake!)

9-THE EVIL DEAD-1982 (In my opinion, the original is better than the sequel. Less laughs and more scares!)

8-BLACK SABBATH-1963 (The Wurdalak segment from this Mario Bava classic gave me nightmares when I was a child)

7-THE REANIMATOR-1985 (Watch the Unrated Version available On DVD. Very Bloody and Very Scary!)

6-CURSE OF THE DEMON-1957 (The DVD contains both the U.S. edit as well as the longer British version. This movie scared me as a child. And that Demon in the movie! Awesome!)

5-PHANTASM-1979 (The tagline for this movie is "If This Movie Doesn't Scare You, You Are Already Dead!" Very good scary movie. Better than the sequels.)

4-THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN-1935 (I wish I could list all of the Universal Classics, But since I picked one, it is this one.)

3-THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE-1974 (The original rules! The first sequel is decent but the rest of the sequels as well as that Big Budget Remake and its sequel Suck Big Time!)

2-NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD-1968 (The first time I saw this was in 1974 on Bob Wilkins CREATURE FEATURES on KTVU Channel 2. Spooked me then, Spooks me now! Avoid all those Public Domain Eyesores as well as the 1998 expanded version and the colorized version and both remakes! The definitive versions are Elite Entertainment's Millenium Edition and the recent Weinstein Deluxe DVD!)

1-SUSPIRIA-1977 (Still scares me to this day. For the longest time, I always put Night Of The Living Dead as #1 until I saw Suspiria on Laserdisc about 15 years ago and now this is my personal favorite. It is available on DVD in its 2.35:1 OAR!)

Well that is my Top 10 list. There are so many others that I'd like to have added like DAWN OF THE DEAD-1978, FRANKENSTEIN-1931, THE BODY SNATCHER-1946, and RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD-1985 but then my list would become a Top 100 Halloween Movies To Watch and not Top 10. Whether you agree with Mike's list, My list or not, let me know what your Top 10 list is? You can post it in the comments section of this blog. Happy Halloween!

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