Thursday, June 25, 2009


Just letting everyone know that Northern California's Premiere Horror Host is going national! Mr. Lobo's current distributer, APPREHENSIVE FILMS, has made a deal with AMGTV to distribute CINEMA INSOMNIA on Saturday Nights at Midnight ET/9:PM PT. Check online at to find out the affiliate closest to you. AMGTV tends to be on the Digital Secondary Channel. For Bay Area Fans, You can catch CI soon on KFTY-50 Santa Rosa (Comcast Channel 199 in the Bay Area Only). However, THE BEST LOCALLY PRODUCED SHOW IN SACRAMENTO continues its trend of not being seen in Sacramento. Let's hope that KMAX-31 will consider AMGTV for its Digital Secondary Channel.

1 comment:

  1. For those who don't have a local AMGTV affiliate I recommend a station out of Wichita that is available on the web:

    use the AMGTV programming grid for schedules, it's a lot better than the one KSTU offers:

    I found the channel a year or two ago and they've been airing CI and reruns of Madd Frank Presents (originally aired in Fargo, ND in the early '90s) Saturday nights and sometimes Fridays. Only problem is they seem to have a very limited number of episodes to the point there have been back-to-back weeks of the same repeat.
