Saturday, April 11, 2009

In Rememberance: Bob Shaw

Yesterday I found out from BOB ECKMAN that Former KTVU Movie Reviewer BOB SHAW had passed away at the age of 56. It is very sad. Just 3 months ago, we had just lost BOB WILKINS and now we lost Bob Shaw. 2009 has not been a kind year. I really feel for JOHN STANLEY to lose both of his comrades so soon. Bob Shaw was the man behind the scenes at CREATURE FEATURES, providing Bob Wilkins with the appropriate information and trivia behind the movies he showed. That as well as Bob Wilkins suggestion, provided Bob Shaw as job at KTVU as Movie Reviewer, a job he held until 2007.

Though I have never met Bob Shaw in person, I did corresponded with him back in 1997 and 1998. It was back in February of 1997, when Bob Shaw did an indepth 2 part interview with Bob Wilkins for KTVU's 10:00 News. At that time, my cable provider no longer had KTVU in its lineup and I really wanted to see that interview. I wrote Bob at KTVU and in turn he wrote back and not only sent me a VHS video of that interview but about an hour of vintage CREATURE FEATURES segments and an even older KCRA footage from 1967 with Bob wilkins and Harry Martin. This was the first time I had seen the old Creature Features in years! and this was before TOM WRYSCH started selling the authorized remastered DVD's. Bob and i wrote each other with me asking questions and him answering them. I don't recall Bob having an email account at that time, and it was the old fashioned snail mail.

I have always said that it was SCOTT MOON of PLANET X MAGAZINE who was part of my inspiration to start this Blog. Well, It was Bob Shaw who was the Other Half of my Blog Inspiration and I want to say, THANK YOU VERY MUCH BOB!!! KTVU did a really good Video Memorial for Bob Shaw. Check It Out At

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