Wednesday, January 07, 2009

BOB WILKINS 1932-2009

I just found out today that the Great BOB WILKINS passed away today at the age of 76! I am in shock. I am crying right now as I write this. The last time I cried, My Dad passed away of Cancer almost 5 years ago (May 15, 2004). I am really sad. I am planning to write a more In Depth Tribute To My CHILDHOOD IDOL! Amazing, In a span of one month, I lost BOTH of my childhood idols, FORREST J ACKERMAN last month and Bob today. Fotunately, I had the pleasure of meeting Bob in person at the CREATURE FEATURES TRIBUTE to him at the CREST THEATRE in SACRAMENTO in 2007. A Very Sad Day Indeed!! :(


  1. I'll admit it. I'm heartbroken. In better moments, kind of numb. Growing up in San Jose in the 70's, "Creature Features" and "Captain Cosmic" were a big, secretive part of my childhood. Here's to Mr Excitement.

  2. I'm sad. He was a very nice and funny man.

  3. I'm sad. He was a very nice and funny man.

  4. Wow! I never knew until today that you westerners had a "Major Mudd" too, like we had here in Boston at about the same time. R.I.P. Bob Wilkins.
