Wednesday, December 17, 2008

CREEPY KOFY MOVIE TIME to premiere on New Years Eve On KOFY TV 20!

Well, I just heard the news. KOFY TV 20 will indeed premiere its own HOSTED HORROR MOVIE, However it will not be MR. LOBO. I don't know the who the host is, but here is a picture of the set of CREEPY KOFY MOVIE TIME! It will premiere on NEW YEARS EVE (Actually NEW YEARS DAY) from MIDNIGHT-2:AM. Then it will be on, every Late Saturday Night in the same time period. Part of me is disappointed that MR. LOBO wasn't picked but the other part is happy that THE BAY AREA IS FINALLY GETTING A HORROR HOST AFTER MANY YEARS!!!!! 12/19/2008: Opening For Show is already posted on YOU TUBE! Check It Out:


  1. I'm glad to hear this. Lobo was good, but a little on the boring side. I hope these guy's have fresh ideas.

  2. Knowing that one of the hosts is NO NAME makes me very leery of the new show. I will watch the first show however. I hope I am wrong.
