Monday, September 29, 2008

September 28, 1968 Schedule: "Girl In His Pocket" and "Secret Agent" 12:15AM

Another Very late night show for BOB WILKINS, this time a bit after Midnight, but Bob shows a very interesting FRENCH Comedy/Fantasy called GIRL IN HIS POCKET (1957) aka UN AMOUR DE POCHE. Obviously Bob showed the English Dub Version about a professor experimenting in suspended animation, accidently shrinking his dog, and later, his female assistant. Bob also shows an episode of "SECRET AGENT".


  1. BOB!
    Great to see your blogging.
    Well to put it short I moved down to So cal 7 years ago and married a wonderful woman whom, ack, doesn't like horror films! So I would tell her about my youth and getting to stay up late if I was good.
    Funny, no one I have mentioned it to know about it, its sad really.
    I am sorry there's nothing on Saturday night. Its gotten pretty boring here as well. I tend to watch DVD's or playing games.
    Sure there's some OK shows like Star Gate and reruns of Star trek. But nothing beats the old classics. I found the brain that wouldn't die at the 99cent store and rushed home just to watch it.
    Boy did it bring back some memories.
    Thanks Bob, for those memories. My family watched night of the living dead on creature features, on a 13inch black and white, in a small room with the lights out and screamed a lot.
    Thanks for the enjoyable Saturday nights and Sunday mornings with the covers over my head.

  2. Thanks for the comment Toby, Unfortunately, Bob is not doing the blogging, one of his many #1 fans is doing the blogging, but thanks for the compliments! :)

  3. Ah. Well lucky you #1 fan. :)
    If I have to be second at anything. LOL
    Well I hope he gets to at least read them from time to time.
    We just had a little girl 6 weeks ago and I plan on bringing her up right. We have already seen a few horror movies. Sure my wife isn't all that pleased.

  4. Thanks Again! In my comment, I referred to myself as ONE OF HIS MANY #1 FANS, not his only #1 fan. As for Bob reading the blog or even these comments are unfortunately won't happen as Bob suffers from ALZHEIMERS DISEASE and is in a Care Facility in RENO, NEVADA.
