Saturday, September 06, 2008

Another Boring Saturday Night!

Well, it is a Saturday Night and I am bored stiff! Nothing on the local Sacramento channels or even the Bay Area ones. It is hard to believe that just 30 years ago, I would have had lots of choices. Now it is NONE! On both KTVU-2 and KTXL-40, both of which are FOX AFFILIATES as well as former homes to BOB WILKINS, nothing but FOX CRAPOLA, from COPS to AMERICA'S MOST WANTED as well as the Late Night MAD TV and TALK SHOW WITH SPIKE. All the other TV Stations offer nothing. Not even the last remaining INDEPENDENT TV STATIONS: KBWB-20 and KICU-36, both from the Bay Area as Sacramento doesn't have any INDEPENDENTS ANYMORE! In fact, All of the Late Night Movie pickings are pretty slim too. Only KXTV-10 has CLASSIC MOVIES but not until 3:05AM Very Early Sundays. However these CLASSIC MOVIES are of the POOR QUALITY PUBLIC DOMAIN ONES which KXTV probably doesn't spend a dime. Sad though as this time slot was formerly that of MR. LOBO, an excellent HORROR HOSTS. Yes he showed PD MOVIES, but they were HORROR MOVIES!!! Today MR. LOBO is syndicated on SAN JOSE PBS TV STATION: KTEH-54, unfortunately my cable company doesn't carry KTEH. My Cable company carries: KCRA-3-SACRAMENTO, KRON-4-SAN FRANCISCO, KVIE-6-SACRAMENTO, KGO-7-SAN FRANCISCO, KQED-9-SAN FRANCISCO, KXTV-10-SACRAMENTO, KOVR-13-STOCKTON, KUVS-19-MODESTO, KBWB-20-SAN FRANCISCO, KSPX-29-SACRAMENTO, KMAX-31-SACRAMENTO, KCSO-LP 33-SACRAMENTO, KICU-36 SAN JOSE, KTXL-40-SACRAMENTO, KTNC-42-CONCORD, KQCA-58-STOCKTON and KTFK-64-STOCKTON. We lost Bay Area Channels 2 and 44, years ago as well as 5 and 26. Well it looks like my DVD PLAYER will keep me comfortable tonight. Now should I watch "FRANKENSTEIN" (1931), "HORROR OF PARTY BEACH" (1964) or "THEY SAVED HITLER'S BRAIN" (1964)? :)


  1. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I've been recording CINEMA INSOMNIA whenever Mr. Lobo has a good public domain title playing. I write emails to KtEH's program director urging them to keep him on! He's no Bob Wilkins, but he has his own style and appreciates Bob. For those of us who watch him pretty regularly I wish he would diversify his short commercial clips--I can only watch "Let's all go to the Lobby!" so many times...and sometimes he plays some stinkers, but generally he sticks to the horror. Last night he showed "Dick Tracy Meets Gruesome," a Karloff vehicle.
    I watched KBHK-44 and KTVU-2 quite often as a kid; too bad these larger corporations bought them up, they used to have some good stuff. We used to get another out of SF, and one from Salinas (8), and of course 11 out of SJ. I didn't think they were all that special in the 70s, but looking back they're superior to what we get now.
    Especially enjoyed the week-themes like "Giant Monster" week, etc., etc.!

  2. Anonymous8:20 PM

    I'm still sorting out my Profile features...

    That message was by me, Josh. Sorry 'bout that!

  3. Just an FYI, if you subscribe to satellite there is a way to get Bay Area stations even if you live outside the 'area'. I get all Bay Area stations here in Sacramento: 2,4,5,7,9,11,20,22,26,32,36,44,50,54,60 including the spanish stations.
