Sunday, August 24, 2008

August 24, 1968: "Burn Witch Burn" and "Secret Agent" 11:30PM

BOB WILKINS shows the movie BURN WITCH BURN which Bob last showed on DECEMBER 3, 1966. Bob also showed an episode of SECRET AGENT.


  1. Hi Floyd, its nice to see you have revamped your blog of Bob! I was thinking how nice it would be to post something about Forrest J. Ackerman, who was a guest on Bob's show. He also has been in poor health son and I were going to fly out to Pittsburgh for MONSTER BASH 08, but it turned out Forry was ill and could not make it. Its unfortunate for the world and all us classic horror/fantasy/sci-fi afficianados that this generation is slowly fading away....

  2. How about an update on the state of DRIVE-IN theatres across N California? Our very own, very old Skyview Drive-in here in Santa Cruz recently had its screens removed by the new owners of the property--Sutter hospitals. The flea market is still running, but will have to find a new home when the new hospital goes in. Other outdoor theatres are succumbing to the same fate...very few are left!


  3. Hi Josh, Thanks For Your Great Comments! I hope to post a little something on FORRY soon. I met him on DECEMBER 31, 1995 at the Original Ackermuseum. In fact, I have a picture of myself with FJA as well as pictures of the Ackermuseum which I hope to scan and post on my blog. Don't know when but hopefully before the end of the year. As for a post on the current state of the DRIVE-IN THEATRES, that is a good topic but if I tackle that subject, it'll probably be on STOCKTON-SACRAMENTO DRIVE-INS as I am based out of STOCKTON and don't have much info on other Drive-Ins. In fact, Stockton had several Drive-Ins though all are gone now, such as the MOTOR MOVIES, 99E AUTO MOVIES, CREST DRIVE IN/VALLEY 99 DRIVE IN,and The WEST LANE-HAMMER DRIVE INS. A very interesting topic. Also enjoy your trip to PITTSBURGH to MONSTER BASH '08! I wish I could go! :)
