Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy 45TH Birthday To Me!!!!

Wow, today is MY Birthday! I am 45 years old. I was born 30 years after Bob Wilkins (He was born April 11, 1932). Here is a picture of me with actor "Sid Haig" (Spider Baby, House Of 1000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Kill Bill ) taken at the Fangoria Weekend Of Horrors Convention in San Jose, California on January 6 of this year. As for me, I will be spending my birthday today researching more on Bob Wilkins for my blog!


  1. Hello Floyd and happy birthday! Thanks for stopping by my Cinebeats blog and saying hello. I really enjoyed exploring your blog and I've added it to my list of links under "blogroll" so I can keep up with your posts. It's nice to know that there are other Bob Wilkins fans out there who were also really inspired by his program.

  2. more power to ya!! i am a bay area native, and 43 years old, so i remember all too well watching "godzilla vs. the smog monster" on ch. 44 on saturday afternoons, only to cap off my day with creature features later that night.
